Audio Series

The Unitive Life: Part Two
Living The Unitive Way: Don’t Mistake the Map for the Territory
A six-set audio series.
This audio series is devoted to six themes helpful in guiding daily living from the lens of unity consciousness. It feels as though a greater wind is their scribe.
The Unitive Life: Part One
A nine-set audio series.
In this audio series Christina explores the organic development of unity consciousness. She presents three phases of continuous and orderly growth by which a remaking of consciousness occurs and the unitive life develops and matures.

Munay: The Global Heart Audio Series
A ten-set audio series.
Munay is a Quechua term meaning: Dissolving the I into the One. It is a call to purity of heart and love. Please join Christina in this ten-session audio series in which she takes the voyageur in consciousness into the felt-sense in the body of “dissolution into the One”.
Deep Seeing: A Silent Invocation: To what shall be; to what can be
A six-set audio series.
Deep Seeing is the art of union with a greater reality, not just the visible world but the force-filled space organizing our visible world. While deep seeing includes our gaze, it is also the art of awakening dynamic perception in the body.

The Omnipresent Body: Dream Tending Our Evolving Consciousness
A six-set audio series.
Humanity and the earth, for the time in our memory, together have been spiraling through the cosmos on inseparable journeys of growth and expansion. At a time when there is so much change, it has been said ‘the time has come and the revolution has begun.’
Cultivating Awareness Without Frontiers
A six-set audio series.
A mind that listens with complete attention will never look for a result because it is constantly unfolding; like a river, it is always in movement. In this movement, attention without frontiers unfolds and everything becomes a numinous invitation to a depth of experience which our everyday awareness will not give us a key.